
emotionally hijacked

by anxiety?

Join our

Mindful Midlife Community

and get your FREE

Mindfulness for Anxiety course!

Mindfulness Not Only Changed My Life

but Most Likely Saved It As Well...

In 2012 and 2013, I was struggling so badly with anxiety and depression due to rejection and dissatisfaction in my personal and professional life that I was having regular panic attacks, and things got so bad that I started contemplating suicide on a daily basis.

I remember the moment that I hit my emotional rock bottom. It was a cold February Saturday night in 2013, and I was supposed to go to a friend’s birthday party that night. And I remember really looking forward to going to this birthday party because it was with a group of friends who I hadn’t seen in a while. And I had told myself that I would leave around 7:00 pm so I could get to the party around 7:30. But at 6:51, and for whatever reason, I still remember the time, but at 6:51, I started having an anxiety attack. I remember my hands crinkling up, my stomach feeling like it was being compressed by a boa constrictor, my shoulders hiking up, and my breathing becoming short and shallow, and it felt like what I imagine drowning feels like.

I don’t know how long that feeling lasted, but by the time it was over, I was so mentally and physically wiped out that I texted my friend and said, “Hey, I’m not feeling well. I’m gonna have to skip the party. Sorry about that.”

And then I woke up the next day and thought to myself, “What the hell is wrong with me? It’s a weekend…normally I don’t feel this way unless I’m at work.” And that’s when I knew I needed to go to therapy before I sought out a more permanent solution to make my depression go away.

My therapist introduced me to mindfulness, and through my daily mindfulness practice, I have learned new ways to manage my emotions so that I am able to respond as opposed to react. Instead of my emotions being knocked around like a speed bag you’d find in a boxing gym, they’re able to withstand the blows life throws at me more like a heavy bag. Sure, I may sway from side to side from time to time, but it’s much easier for me to steady myself these days.

As a result of this life transformation, I decided to become a mindfulness teacher because one of the tenets of mindfulness is gratitude, and had my therapist not introduced me to mindfulness, I don’t know if I would be there today. I also wanted to provide a platform to give people the space and permission to share their expertise and life experiences when it comes to social and emotional learning, mindfulness, physical and emotional wellness, cultural awareness, finances, communication, relationships, dating, and parenting…all those things we need to think about as we navigate our 30s, 40s, and 50s, which is why I created The Mindful Midlife Crisis Podcast.

If you’re wondering, “Well, what exactly is mindfulness?” I can sum it up like this: mindfulness is the state of awareness in which you are intentionally focused on the present moment with curiosity, openness, compassion, and non-judgment. It’s a simple concept, but especially in this age of instant gratification and overstimulation, it is not easy.

From battling anxiety

to discovering mindfulness,

I've transformed my life.

Now I want to guide you

on a similar path.

By joining our

Mindful Midlife Community,

you'll receive:

  • Access to my weekly Meditate & Mingle sessions
  • My FREE Mindfulness Starter Course
  • A copy of "Finding Me: A Journey to Get to Know Yourself and Where You Want to Be", a reflective workbook from Mindfulness Exercises
  • Exclusive insights, mindfulness tips, and expert advice on navigating the complexities and possibilities of life as an educator, digital nomad, and midlifer

Are you ready to live

a more mindful and intentional life?

Here's how working with Billy

is impacting the lives of others!

I've been fortunate enough to be a member of Billy's mindfulness community here in Seoul and what a gift to have found a place to slow down and reset in an otherwise fast paced city. I appreciate the ease with which he settles us into the moment as well as the care and craft put into every meditation. He is a natural leader. I've maintained a meditation practice for some time yet Billy continually prompts new awareness with each session!

Young C.

Seoul, South Korea

I enrolled in Billy's online as well as offline meetings about a month ago. I enrolled in this course because I was grappling with a high level of nervous tension which was manifesting in an unhealthy relationship to my body, my smartphone, and my time. I wanted to be able to establish a sense of equilibrium within myself to counter this. One thing I have learned from taking this course is that mindfulness is essentially just a surrender to the moment - and I have truly experienced the freedom of simply letting things be what they are, myself included. What I really appreciate about working with Billy is the way he scaffolds each step of the mindfulness process with simple, accessible guidance. This really helps you to access a state of mindfulness from a deeper angle.

Kitty M.

South Africa

I have been a member of his mindfulness community for about 6 months. I started practicing mindfulness with Billy because I needed something to change in my daily routines, as I was burned out at home and at work without giving myself space to heal and rest. Billy's weekly mindfulness meditations gave me a space where I could build in much needed reflection and rejuvenation into my weekly routine. Leaving his sessions, I feel more calm, better able to tackle challenges at work and home, less anxious and stressed, more attuned to my body and mind, and overall more fulfilled my current life. I enjoy working with Billy because he asks individualized questions that get me to truly reflect on what mindfulness means to me and how it can be built into my life on a daily basis; it's not some challenging, unapproachable skill that only the most devoted gurus possess. He has created a place where I can openly share my life experiences and challenges in a supportive environment. One thing I've learned/improved through working with Billy is the importance of seeing how mindfulness can be built into the smallest routines of my day with some intentionality and a little planning. Thank you, Billy!

Luke P.

Minneapolis, MN

I have been a member of his mindfulness community for 1 month now. I started practicing mindfulness with Billy because I needed some meditation away from my work pressure and stress. I enjoy working with Billy because he lets people experience the joy of meditation in a easy and friendly way. One thing I've improved through working with Billy is that I should focus on the present and myself which brought me more peace of mind. Huge thanks to Billy!

Chloe K.

Seoul, South Korea

Meet Billy Lahr

Billy Lahr is certified mindfulness meditation coach, certified personal trainer, behavior change specialist, former educator, serial overthinker, and host of The Mindful Midlife Crisis, a podcast for people navigating the complexities and possibilities of life’s second half. In 2013, Billy started practicing mindfulness as a way to manage mounting mental health issues brought on by professional burnout, social media harassment from students, and a lack of job satisfaction. In 2021, Billy left his job as dean of students in order to travel the world in search of more meaningful experiences and community. Since then, he's been a GPS for individuals aiming to live more mindfully and intentionally through recognizing and harnessing their strengths, exploring their curiosities, growing and synergizing with their network by fostering consistency, discipline, patience, and self-compassion.